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Saturday, January 11, 2014

Food Tracking Jan 10 2014

Copied from a great way to track you food intake and get all the nutritional info just by inputting what you eat.  It is free and a very cool website.
Here is the breakdown of my food tracking from Jan 10, 2014



Calories           Carbs           Fat          Protien      
Milk, 3.25%, 0.5 cup 73644
Regular Coffee, brewed from grounds, 10 fl oz 3000
Half and Half Cream, 1 tbsp 20120
Special K Cereal Bar (23g), Red Berries, 1 serving 901821
BREAKFAST GOALS:350 - 43844 - 5512 - 1518 - 22


Chicken Breast (cooked), no skin, roasted, 4 ounces 1370326
Collards, 2.5 cup, chopped 27502
Brown Rice, medium grain, 1 cup 2184625
Butter, salted, 1 tbsp 1020120
LUNCH TOTALS:485511733
LUNCH GOALS:350 - 43844 - 5512 - 1518 - 22


Tuna Casserole (1/6 of casserole), 1.5 serving 362431328
Cabbage, fresh, 1.5 cup, shredded 26602
Olive Oil, 1 tbsp 1190140
Delmont Fresh Cut Sweet Peas, 1 serving 601303
DINNER GOALS:350 - 43844 - 5512 - 1518 - 22


Chips - Doritos - Nacho Cheesier, 1 oz 1401682
SNACK GOALS:175 - 21922 - 276 - 79 - 11

Snack 2

Tea, brewed, 12 fl oz 4100
Cottage Cheese, 2% Milkfat, 0.5 cup (not packed) 974313
Peaches, canned, extra light syrup, 0.5 cup, halves or slices 521400
SNACK 2 TOTALS:15219314
SNACK 2 GOALS:175 - 21922 - 276 - 79 - 11
 Totals:    1,5291726187
Your Daily Goal:    1,400 - 1,750175 - 21947 - 5870 - 88
Remaining Today:    0 - 2213 - 4700 - 1

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Change, slow but sure...

Not really a New Years Resolution, just a good time to get myself refocused as the holidays are over and no major events are coming up soon, so a good time to work on new habits.  Making changes can be done at anytime of the year.  So I am again focusing on a few things.

The first being my nemesis--weight loss.  Focusing on 10 pounds a month for a year (120 lbs total) as my goal.  definitely different from my original goal a few years back of 80 pounds in 80 days.  I have learned it takes time to develop new habits, and being healthy/working towards greater health is not a race to the finish line, it is gradual lasting changes, and being okay with the cha-cha of two steps forward one step back, repeating over and over again, as long as the overall progress is forward.

The second is setting healthy boundaries in my relationships--my fiance and the issues involved in that relationship, the challenges my children present me with, the conflicts within my extended family, and increasing time given to friends far and wide as I have neglected them quite a bit these past few years.

The third is to really ramp up my income, which has been less than making ends meet since the kids arrived in my life 8 and 7 years ago, and even harder after becoming a single mom to two kids with special needs nearly 4 years ago.  The kids needs are now better defined, they have fewer doctor appointments, their school program are working for them (as in the programs are handling their issues appropriately and successfully, not that there are no issues) so almost no mid-day calls with issues from their school programs.  So I am ramping up my income earning potential.  I am looking at either increasing the nursery school (which only has one student at this point--poor rural area, especially in the winter) or discontinuing it, picking up more freelance writing articles, actually getting back to writing my book and articles of interest, doing the blog on a regular basis, updating my website more often, and exploring services and products to promote that I really believe in.

For blogging, one of my goals is to again post my daily food intake, both to see where I am doing well and where I need to improve...hopefully that will keep me on track better both with my weight/health goals, and with my blogging goals.  The other is to really explore helpful hints for those who are, like me, seeking to transform their lives.  Some people are able to transform quickly, and others of us make a long process out of it...luckily it is not a race, and each of us transforms and repeats cycles at our own pace, preparing for change and then changing.  Slowly but surely, life does transform.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Wait, WHAT...three months since my last post!?!?!?

Crazy, crazy life....and I sometimes can't find (or rather make) the time to post, especially when I feel like life is spinning its wheels and transformation is just tot he right of a loop that I am stuck in...but it is not really, transformation happens all the time.  Every change, no matter how small, is a piece of the transformation of life.  So a post to sum up the many experiences of the past 3+ months...

  • Fiance moved back in here at the beginning of September.
  • Learned it is impossible to support four people on what barely kept three people afloat.
  • Money struggles and other people's addiction struggles make life very stressful.
  • Trying to find the balance between compassion and boundaries, doing what is right when "what is right" is different for different people.
  • Standing firm and being loving can be a hard balance to strike.
  • Explaining to my kids why their other parent (my ex) is in a homeless shelter
  • Taking the kids to visit their other parent every other weekend for a few hours needs creativity and pre-planning to go places when there is no home to take them to...
  • Explaining to fiance why I think it is important that the kids see their other parent even when their other parent is struggling and in difficult situations (rehab, homeless shelter, half-way house, etc...).
  • Being honest and open with the kids, and helping them understand how bad choices have consequences but that a person is still a good person even if their situation is not good.
  • Being grateful that there are nice homeless shelter with private rooms and shared kitchen facilities and a house style feel...a safe place for those who are struggling to lay there heads until they can get into a residential help situation or can get on their feet.
  • Finding that i can love someone who deals with some of the same issues that I have grown to hate, and that same issues do not mean same person or even same outcome
  • Knowing that I know what my boundaries are, that I can express them, and that I can be compassionate and give things time to shift
  • Had a great job interview for a science focused job, going back to my original career in research, but did not get the job
  • Had a lot of things going on with relationships--fiance, ex, siblings, etc.... that are both good and bad
  • hosted Thanksgiving at my house this year--had some of my family, some of the to-be in-laws, and my ex--an interesting mix
  • My nephew graduated from basic training the day before thanksgiving, so proud of him!!
  • Had an interview to break into the career of working with families with special needs kids, which I have wanted to break into for a while but lack the formal training to do so...but did not get that job either
  • Have been running a small nursery school weekday morning in my home, but only 2 kids...trying to figure out if I should push to expand or if I should concentrate back on writing and see if I can make a go of that
  • Glad my fiance started working at the local ski resort, the extra income is very good, and working creates a much better mood for my love
  • Grateful that rules have changed to allow me to borrow against my old retirement account so that I could catch up on my bills and expenses, 
  • kinda wish I had taken a bit more to have more for Christmas, but am glad that my kids can focus on the JOY and FUN of the season and not be so focused on the gifts, as they have only a few gifts under the tree, but we have lots of fun that brings joy and connection without costing actually, glad that I only took out what I needed to catch up my bills.
  • looking forward to my sister and her kids coming up for a visit after their move to Florida in July
  • Glad that Josiah's MRI went well WITHOUT sedation....looking forward to hearing the results on January 3rd, just to know if his hydrocephalus is still stable or if it is getting worse as previous scans indicated a possible problem, but nothing definite, so hopefully this scan compared to the previous one will give us a better idea of what is going on in his skull
  • Looking forward to reflecting on the past year
  • Looking forward to deciding what path I want to take and being able to focus on that for the new year, and transform this life even better... it is an ongoing journey!!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Changes towards transformation

A short post just to mention some things I am thinking about.

First is that transformation can not happen if behaviors or choice patterns do not change.  I have often said you have to change in order to change.  Which seems obvious of course, but I have found so many of us are creatures of habit, we do the same thing over and over again, and hope that THIS time it will come out different.  And yes, if we make a small change, then things will change, maybe slowly, maybe in small ways, but they will change.  But to make real, lasting change that can transform life, you need to make wise, dynamic, step outside your comfort zone changes--THEN big transformations can happen.

Of course, sometimes we figure out which choices were wise choices and which were not after we make them and let it play out.

So some changes that I am allowing into my life (because sometimes change is as simple as allowing things to happen instead of micromanaging every moment):

1) I am letting the people in my life be who they are, observing them but not demanding they be the person I think they should be.  This does not mean that I do not have boundaries that allow me to be who I am and allow our shared overlap in life to be chaotic (like I let my kids know that i expect them to clean up after themselves, take their showers, do their homework, and be independent in doing what they need to do for self care; or that I do not tell my SO that drinking heavily in front of the kids is not acceptable to my life, etc...), but it does mean that I let go of some of my insistence on how and when things are done, that I offer suggestions for what to wear and when to do things instead of demands.  That I hold the standard, and let them try to reach it in their own way.  I mainly interact with my children, so that is where I am trying to find the balance between letting them guide themselves, and give them a set of ideals to strive for both behaviorally and habitually.

2) My financial situation is still one of my biggest struggles.  My SO has moved back in, and I am looking into getting a job outside the home, as SO can help manage the kids needs, and has expressed a willingness to take the kids to appointments and deal with school issues too.  So, I am applying for REAL jobs (and some lesser jobs) to try to get back into my career, or at least back into working outside the home.  Blogging, freelance writing, babysitting, etc... has proven inconsistent and to not bring in enough income to really support the family.  While I am in the process still of opening a group family daycare with my SO (a decision we decided to pursue a few weeks ago, as the couple of kids I watch now are inconsistent in coming and having the ability to expand to more children may reduce the fluctuation of income), and am starting a Nursery School morning for toddlers next week,   my SO can take point if I find a job outside the home and have the daycare really be hers.  I am applying to a few laboratories in the area to return to my career in scientific research, though I have been out of the loop so long I am not sure how easy it will be to reenter the work force, but it can't hurt to try.  I have been hesitant to try as I went back when J was 2, but ended up quitting after 8 months because it just did not work.  However at that time, J still had a LOT of medical issues, and G was just starting regular school which was a bit of a nightmare.  Also my ex had relapsed into alcoholism and our family life and  my marriage were falling apart.  So there were a lot of heavy, life issues going on.  AND I was paying 3/4 of my income for childcare, as two kids with special needs needed special sitters who could handle their medical, physical, developmental, emotional, and behavioral issues.  Now the kids are 7 and 10, are in school programs that truly understand how to work with them (and do not call a million times a week).  My SO has gained enough understanding of the kids and they have a great relationship enough that I think she and they will be fine for the couple hours after school.  So, going back to work is finally a real, viable option.  To get back to a job that actually pays the bills, provides insurance and retirement, and lets me use my degree, my passion, my BRAIN as well as my heart...well that is a change in my life that will bring about a huge transformation for the whole family.

3) We are also revamping the house and some routine issues.  First the boys have been sleeping int he same room for the past year (after 3 months of trying to get Josiah to be comfortable in his own room), and when I tried to get him to move back into his bedroom, but both boys decided they want to share a room.  So we officially moved J into G's room and it has become the boys room.  J's room, instead of being a catch all for stuff I need to sort is becoming the spare room and MY office.  A space where I will be able to write and focus on my writing--be it blogging, the website, articles, or freelance assignments.  A sI have gotten otu of the habit of writing on a regular basis, not having a regular routine, we have decided that having an office will help me be more focused and able to have the space I need to work.  We also have moved dinner time earlier and are making sure that we are eating together as a family at the table most nights.  My SO and I have also instituted a date night.  As money is tight, what we do on date night is to feed the kids at the normal dinner time (but not eat ourselves), then after the kids are in bed, cook a special meal for the two of us, set a nice table, get a bottle a of wine, and usually pick a movie to watch after a great dinner conversation time.  We are doing it one evening a week, and so far (2 weeks in) has been really good.  Kids take a lot out of a relationship, as as she has 2 kids and I have 2 kids, and we each have our extended families and various issues we bring into the relationship, taking the time to just enjoy each others company over a nice dinner with real conversation, is really good for our connection to each other.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Wow time flies!

Wow, time flies!  I can not believe that is has been nearly a month since my last post...the one that said I was going to actually post 2-3 times a week...well, I did not fulfill my intention.

The last post was really about healing and how it can be uncomfortable, even if it is positive...
I continue down that path of healing for my life, my heart and my soul

Last weekend I had a couple of days that had me in the depths of despair, fighting a depression (or rather losing a fight with depression) and just giving up in so many way.  Life has been so busy, yet so much of that busy-ness has been unfulfilling and without a great deal of specific meaning.  Most of it is stuff that has to be done, and the overall necessity of it fulfills the needs in my life, but there is so much of my heart and soul that are stagnant.

There has been a recurring theme since I began this blog, my life is in need of transformation, and I have been steadily taking two steps forward one step back, a couple steps sideways, and a few back flips, a jog forward, raise your hands and clap clap clap...
Life is quite a dance, definitely not a linear journey in any way shape or form for me...and the dance is not a bad thing, gets a little frustrating sometimes when i want to move in a more linear fashion.  But the dance makes life more interesting....

I started this a few days ago and will get back to it in another post later....

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Healing can be itchy...

I got a sunburn last week while out in the canoe with my love.  Just on the tops of my legs, from the knee to the edge of my shorts, so like 6-7 inches of sunburned skin on each leg.  It was slightly painful to the touch (or rub when you move in your sleep and it rubbed against the bed--ouch) for a few days, then got that weird mottled look right before showing a nice golden tan underneath. Of course to get to that nice tan, the burned layer of skin needs to slough off...which is part of the healing process, and it is itchy!!  So for the past couple of days I have been itching off little bits of dead skin.  My son asked why my skin looked weird, and I told him, then I added that sometimes healing can be itchy.

And I realized that is very true for all kinds of healing...even emotional hurts....the healing process is sometimes uncomfortable, slightly painful at times, irritating, rough, somewhat annoying, a bit ugly, and yes, even itchy.  But at the end of that, is fresh, beautiful, healed skin, hearts, souls, it is totally worth it. As I have been facing some interesting challenges and decisions lately, I have realized that some of the reasons I am facing these challenges is that I have been seeking healing for some stuff that has gone on over the past few years (some of which I will be posting on over the next two weeks).  The Universe, the Powerful Consciousness of God, my Source that knows me better than I know myself, has been amazing in presenting me with the situations, people, and circumstances that have been instrumental in helping on this road to healing...between my significant other, my sister, my other sister, my mother, my children, my ex, poultry, job situations, and a variety of other people, places, and things, that need me in their lives as much as I need them, I have been growing more lately than I had for a while.  Everything happens for a reason, the people (and circumstances) we need come when they can teach us something and we can teach them something.  And healing is is is somewhat annoying, especially when facing something I have faced before and not listened to my intuition, to be given a chance to heal and learn a lesson in a new way, with a new is a great gift....

and an itchy one... :/

Monday, July 8, 2013

Focusing on the desired outcome, not the "how"

I had a conversation yesterday that got me thinking about how I perceived the law of attraction teaching when I was first introduced to them, and how I perceive them now that I have worked with them for a few years.  I was talking about a particular set of opportunities that have come into my sphere of consciousness (not in those words, that is just how I think about them, actually talking like that makes me sound weird.. :) ) and I was talking about choosing from the opportunities presented to me.  And her response was that she MAKES her opportunities, they are not presented to her.   I love this sister of mine very much, and she has done many great things in her life, and transformed her life in many, many ways over the past few years--particularly in the monetary wealth and new adventures realms--and she has done much of it by changing her thinking patterns, altering her focus, and her own understanding of the law of attraction.  But what strikes me as odd, is that she often seems more stress and in some ways more lonely than she used to be. It could just be difficult family dynamics and the fact that I most often see her at family gatherings.

But the juxtaposition of her apparent unhappiness in that situation and her response that she makes her own opportunities made me think.  I was first introduced to the idea that you manifest your own world about 10 years, and it was both freeing and amazing as a concept, but it also created tension within me. Having read Neale Donald Walsh's Conversations with God in 2003, my entire life changed.  Discovering Wayne Dyer in 2004 kept that knowledge growing.  I didn't find Rhonda Byrne's The Secret until 2009.  And later was introduced to the Abraham-Hicks teachings.  Since them I have explored the Silva Method, A Course in Miracles, Healing with the Masters, and many other amazing transformational teachers, concepts, ideas, and methods.  It was freeing because once I accepted it, I realized I could "have, do or be anything..." that I wanted (quote from The Secret), and I accepted that the "bad" things in my life were not things outside of my control or my abilities to respond in a positive way to those painful experiences.  And at first I focused on material goods--I wanted more money, I wanted a bigger house, I wanted a nicer car...and I struggled with the process of was that going to could I get what I wanted...and I walked a number of different paths. I could co-create my life with the Power Consciousness that I call God, my creator, my Source Energy, the Alpha and omega...  
At first I felt very empowered, especially in the early years 2003-2006.  I was going to make my life exactly what I wanted it to be....I was going to make all of my dreams come true.  I wanted to finish my PhD, so I pushed ahead and applied to 3 programs--got accepted, and even got full funding for 5 years at 2 of the 3 universities (the third was a teaching assistanceship that had to be renewed every year).  I was very excited that this dream that I had had since I was 13 was going to come true.  I also wanted to be a parent, and the idea that I could manifest my own desires really gave me the push I needed to start the adoption process, a process that I was told could take 3-5 years before having a child join the family.  My lifelong dream of adopting children with special needs became a reality far sooner that I had planned, and I had a difficult decision to make between two amazing opportunities to fulfill dreams that I had, both of them since around 13 years old.  I chose to do only one at  a time, and as I was 30, decided being a parent in my 30's and 40's would be easier than it would be a decade later.  So I let go of my Fellowship and my PhD acceptance.  And since 2006, have been a parent to two amazing, incredible, difficult, wonderful, challenging, and inspiring children--who are now 10 and almost 7.    It was one of the most difficult decisions in my life to walk away from the PhD at that point in time, and it was a time I realized that sometimes it is okay to not get everything you want all at once.

Life has had a lot of challenges since that decision, and many of the "material" things I thought were important to me have become less important.  I realized that much of my desire was not for particular things, for a particular amount of money or a particular status.  Instead of manifesting what I wanted, my life transformed in a way to show me the true desires of my heart...not the surface desires of what I "want"...but rather that deep soul level desires that the spiritual "me", the core "me" needs to be the person I was born to be.  And my understanding of the law of attraction has shifted.  Instead of working like a dog to make more money, or focusing on money at all...I have found great peace in what I have, and have found that I have great strength and resourcefulness even without monetary wealth...and my heart is more at peace because of it.  NOW I feel like monetary wealth would not destroy the person that I want to be, because it no longer matters to me if I have a certain level of wealth....I am content with knowing that I am strong and resourceful, and that I don't need money or things to make me happy.  Did I "focus" on wealth...yes...and it made me depressed and conflicted because I had many negative beliefs about wealth  and my own worthiness...and because when I could not MAKE the opportunities flourish, I got very down on myself.  The struggles that life did offer me, helped me to learn that monetary wealth is NOT a desire of my heart, but the self-assurance, resourcefulness, and the ability to live in community with others IS a desire of my heart---and that is what the  Universe brought to me, because I attracted the desire of my heart.

I have also learned that sometimes the shorted distance from where you are to the things/experiences/people your heart desires, can be through difficult valleys that get rid of the confusion, and bring clarity.  I am slowly learning to trust the process, to enjoy the journey that I always said i enjoyed but was always fighting.  I look back 5 years, and I find that so many thing that I stated i wanted, that I put the intention out int o the universe for, have actually come into being--though the how has been completely different than any path I would have chosen for myself.

I live in a handicapped accessible house, and there are enough bedrooms that the boys each have their own. but they don't want their own, and continue to share one to sleep in and the other room "Josiah's room that he doesn't sleep in" as they call it, has the guitars, drum set, and other instruments, as well as spare clothes and some storage in addition to Josiah's dresser and other bed.  What we think would be exactly what we want is not always what we want.  And with Josiah's recent improvements, he does not NEED the level of accessibility that I thought he was going to.  While that could still change and his needs may go up as he grows, it is nice to know that nothing is set in stone.

I work from home, doing child care.  I thought for years I wanted to open a family home day care...and when I finally did, I learned that it is not actually what I want to do.  I have now tried it twice (as Josiah's needs prompted a return to driving over 100 miles a day to get him to his special school), so I took a few months off to do that and have returned to childcare as of this past April, thinking that my stress and desire to not do it after the summer last year was just due to external stresses.  But I have found that although I love children, and enjoy working with them, a family home day care is really not something I am fulfilled doing.

I have wanted chickens, I have chickens (and a quail!), I have wanted rabbits, and we have rabbits.

I have wanted a significant other who reaches my heart in ways i never dreamed, and I met her in January.  And while it is not the relationship I dreamed it would be, I have found many avenues for growth, love, greater compassion, and this relationship has been helping me to grow more and more into the person I want to has made me a better person to love my love.  And it is showing me areas of my unconscious mind that I have a lot of negativity...things that do get in the way of attracting certain experiences.

I have a number of other little examples as wel, but over all, i am finding that if I really seek the desires of my heart, the connections of Spirit and God that I seek, the connections of people and community that I seek, the experiences that will build up my peace, my joy, and my ability to see how blessed I am...that life is truly transformed--not by monetary wealth, but by the understanding that I am able to thrive; not by having the "right" home or car or job, but by the recognition that life changes all the time and "things" come and go to help us on our way; not by having the "dream" connections and elbow rubbing, but by BEING the person that I want to be to those that I meet.

And yes, a number of interesting paths have opened (and closed) unexpectedly over the past year, and what I focused on last year does not have as much meaning this year...and what is good for my kids this year is different than it was 2 years as we all change and grow, the Universe is continually opening up paths for me to explore...not to judge or to hang on to so tightly that I can't touch anything else...but rather to explore, enjoy, try it on, and wear it as long as it fits and is comfortable for the focus of my heart and soul.  One of the paths opening up has come with the inspiration of a path towards my PhD again.  I can not see all of the effects of that path, we never can, but I do know now that what I want and what I think I want are not always the same thing.  But that the Law of Attraction works on both the focus of our Spirits and the focus of our minds.  Dis-ease and unhappiness comes when those two are misaligned.  The struggles of the past few years have really helped me to see that aligning and centering my heart and my mind with the desires of my soul really create the most amazing outcomes.

May the paths that I am exploring lead to many new adventures that help to build me and my children and my significant other and all of the people we come into contact with into the people we desire to be, even if the outside world can not see it...I find that peace in my heart is more transformational than any of the outside fluff.  I enjoy the fluff (or get frustrated by it) and the fluff is not unimportant, but I just find that the fluff is to be experienced and enjoyed,  and allowed to blow away on the wind when the time comes.  So I welcome the challenges, I cry the tears, I experience the whole gammet of emotions that makes me who I am, and I know that life is more about how to perceive our world and less about "what happens to us" or "what we make happen".  It is not about HOW we can make it happen, it is about enjoying the unfolding of the opportunities, and acting when we feel compelled to act, even if the path is not as clear as we would otherwise like it to be.  It is about trusting that the desires of our hearts are known by the Source Energy, even if we are unclear in our minds, and knowing that each experience brought to us is God's gift to help us move down the path to the desires of our hearts.  The more we resist, the more we make excuses, and the more we push things that are not what we need, the slower and more dis-ease we will experience.  I have been resisting for too long, and making excuses as top WHY I can't do this, that or the other thing, and it has manifests as disease in my body.  And for a while now, I have followed the disease instead of seeking ease, instead of following the leading of Spirit...that mistake, that mis-focus is changing I follow the path of peace even if I can not see what is at the end of it...because I know it is not about making opportunities or getting what I want, but rather it is about having the deepest desires of my heart of hearts...the rest is just fluff...  May I continue to learn this lesson and to share it with others....