I have actually tried to write a few different posts, but either run out of time or out of emotional energy to write them....
Yes, blogging sometimes takes a lot of emotional energy, mainly because life takes a lot of emotional energy and transformation takes a lot of emotional energy, and my life right now just takes a lot energy in ALL areas...I have such a headache.
So, quick update on various areas:
The renovations on the house--ugh... yeah, I won't go into details...suffice to say that everyday we get a little closer and a little closer to the finish line...I hope to have more news later on---OH wait! I do have some good news, instead of having to build kitchen cabinets and create a kitchen from scratch, about 2 weeks ago I was given a used kitchen--cabinets, counter tops, dishwasher, stove.... What a huge blessing it was. So there was a reason why the kitchen had not yet been worked on. We had to redesign the central part of the house, changing the layout of kitchen and dining room in order to be able to use this great kitchen. And in the end I like this design better. So the kitchen is almost plumbed (it would have been finished being plumbed today if I had not needed to take a break and give my dad a break, so that I could catch up on emails and phone calls that I have been neglecting for the past 3 weeks. And so i could take a deep breath and just focus on other areas of my life that need tending for the day. So I have taken my break today to be online and try to blog, before I have to go back to work at 2pm...
School for Josiah---ups and downs, still trying to figure out what is going on with him. I don't remember if I have posted about our chemical imbalance thoughts and such, if not I'll do that at a later time. Something is just not working for him there, and it does not seem to be working for them. I am convinced it is a combination of factors. But that still does not give me any more insight into the best course of action to take. We have a little time, we will be looking at other programs with the CSE chair---I feel kinda lost on this whole education plan thing for him. I thought Gonzo's issues were complicated and challenging. in many ways, he was a piece of cake compared to Josiah because Gonzo's issues, as challenging as they are, are consistent and somewhat predictable. Josiah is not...
There is more I want to say about other things, but I need to get ready to go back to work....starting next week, it will be full time, so no split shift, no more break in the middle of the day. But that means a higher income too....
I'll blog again soon....
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