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Monday, April 8, 2013

quick post

This is just a quick post to say hi and let you all know I'm still here.  Life has been very busy, a lot of changes coming up--job, babysitter, significant other...a lot of sickness just passed--colds, flu, ear infections,sinus, fun, fun.... so, yeah, the snow is slowly melting, mud season is upon us here in the mountains (low lying areas are already snow free and dry ground, I still sink up to my knee in the snow in the back yard), windows are open airing out the house finally, and the birds have started to return.... yippee.... I am so ready for spring...need to get my seeds started this week for the garden too....

I actually have a couple of other posts that I started but have not yet finished, so i will get back to at least one of those, hopefully tomorrow or Wednesday.

BUT I just wanted to write a quick hello to all my neglected internet people.... Happy Spring :) !

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