I have met people in the past whose lives seem to follow a linear progression, at least on the outside. They had a reasonably stable home life growing up, with a middle class income, meaning their needs were always met, they had decent vehicles that they could afford to keep in good working order, and they sometimes got to do or have some the fun things that they wanted as a family. They finished high school, went to college with only a small amount of student loans when coming out, got a job in their chosen field, met a people to share their life with who was a pretty good match, bought a house, raised a family in a reasonably stable home life, with a reasonably stable career. Actually, no I don't think I actually know anyone who has lived that...
Somewhere there is always a hiccup, a stuck point on a repeat cycle, or just those fantastic times when life changes your perspective so you change your life....
Since beginning this blog many years ago, I have realized some of my :stuck points that are on repeat. Anyone who has followed my blog for a long times probably is saying"it took you this long to see them?!?!" Well, no (and yes, but no), many of them I have been aware of for a long time. And one of my limiting beliefs is that I do not have enough time to "fix" them, the other thing that keeps me stuck is I keep trying to "fix" them.
So, instead of focusing on fixing "them" (as I picked up a huge number of prescriptions from the pharmacy today), I am going to stop focusing on "them". Stop focusing on the problems, and truly start focusing on what I want , which is to feel GOOD. So for my Health:
Instead of focusing on being overweight, having diabetes, blood pressure issues, headaches, feeling hungry all the time (with diabetes, you brain is screaming for food because it is starving because the sugar in your blood can not enter the cells in your body and brain, so your brain is sending hunger signals all the time because it literally is not getting any nourishment, which is one of the reason many people with diabetes are overweight and why it is so hard to lose weight, the body chemistry is screwed up) and all of the other challenging things that my body seems to be doing. I am going to focus on what helps me feel better.
1) What can I DO that gives me more energy? Taking a 5 minute walk; Getting the right amount of sleep; Taking my medications on schedule; Eating well planned meals and snacks; drinking enough water; etc...
2) What can I do that makes me feel less hungry? Eating on a schedule; Eating fiber filled food like fruits, vegetables, chia seeds, whole grains; Drinking a mix of water with 2TBS Apple Cider Vinegar and 1 TBS Honey, sipping it throughout the day (amazing how much it helps control hunger signals); balancing protein with carbs for everything I eat; soup or broth as or with meal and snacks
3) What reduces my pain levels? Walking and or stretching for 5 minutes; having my feet raised when sitting; changing position (sit to stand to walk to laying) frequently; reaching my arms over my head periodically;
4) What clears my head? Reducing time spent in front of a screen (15 minutes on, 15 minutes off doing dished, dusting, organizing, playing with the dog, playing with the kids); focusing on positive ideas or finding the positive aspects of situations; stepping outside to just breathe for a few minutes;
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