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Sunday, May 13, 2018

Food Intolerance

Okay, so much for the best laid plans....

I am still studying FODMAP and Histamine Intolerance, and how to eat to avoid them.  I however have not had much success in strictly adhering to avoiding them.

For the most part I have cut onions and garlic out of my daily intake (still sometimes add onion powder and garlic powder for flavor, and have a weak moment like last night where I had onion rings!!!).  I have found that Onions are a particular culprit to my bloating and pain, and overall feelings of discomfort.  This saddens me because I do love onions!!  But alas, I want to feel better, so avoiding onions for now.  I have been reducing the amount of wheat and other fructan containing grains.  And anytime I eat Pasta or something with a LOT of wheat/fructans, I have IBS symptoms, bloating, more fatigue than usual, and of course pain and brain fog.  I have been avoiding citrus and strawberries as well.  I am not sure if I am sensitive to them but they are easier to avoid than some other things and every little bit helps.

Every BODY is different

There are so many studies out there that flood us with information, it is difficult to pick out what information is relevant to each person's particular situation. One recurring idea though is that the way our bodies process the food we eat has an impact on everything from our ability to think, to how quickly we gain or lose weight, how well we sleep, to how much energy we have throughout the day.

However, it is not a "one size fits all" answer. Foods that give one person energy can make another feel sluggish. A great snack for weight loss for one person, makes another feel bloated. Each person's body is different as we all know, but deeper than that, each body's ability to digest, transform, and utilize food is unique as well. Aside from obvious allergic reactions (and anyone can be allergic to anything--peanuts, wheat, milk, strawberries, pineapple, tomatoes, even WATER), there are different reactions in the body that make some people unable to tolerate certain foods, or the by products of the breakdown of those foods by the gut.

These food intolerances and by product reactions can cause a person to feel unwell. Brain fog, difficulty concentrating, bloating, constant stuffy nose, cramps, fatigue, and intermittent generalized pain or weakness are all possible outcomes of eating a food or set of foods that your body does not use correctly.  So it is important to figure out what works and what does not for your own body.

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