Sorry for the over 24 hours without an update (I know I don't have you waiting on the edge of your seatrs, but it is fun to pretend...).
Okay so yesterday just was a really long day. After I got hoem I had a letter from the state tax department sayign I am being audited this year (I had expected an audit fromt eh federal, but I figures the state would be fine). So now I am going back to HR Block on Friday (as I signed up for audit protection as I knew the federal would likely be flagged--anytime you have a major change in your income and refunbd status you risk being flagged). I just had been planning on my state refund like NOW, and was surprised that they also have chosen this year to aduit. So more stress on top of a stressful day.
Last night I got a call that we were having my Mother's birthday party, half an hour before we were supposed to be there (her actual birthday is today). So that was an unplanned thing, but it was fun.
We had a yummy roast, mashed potatoes, and salad. then cake and ice cream for dessert.
It was an overall stressful day though, so I am still feelign quite tired today. Today was also a crazy day as after dropping the kids off to their schools (over 50 miles away) I had to turn around and come back to our home school district for J's CSPE/CSE transition and CSE meeting for next year. I was a few minutes late for it. It was a long meeting (nearly 2 hours by the time I got out of there), but I thkn it was aproductive meeting. J will be in our home school for Kindergarten, in the only K class they have, and this year's class only has 6 kids in it. He will get a 1:1 aide for specific times (~3 hours a day) and they are aware of the physical assitance he will need to transition from wheel chair to walker, walker to regular chair, chair to floor, etc.... as well as the toileting assistance (you can't expect him to toilet himself when he can not stand without holding on and has only one good hand, I tried to pull my pants down mimicing 2 bum legs, poor trunk balance, a locked left arms and having to lean using one good arm to do it--trust me, he will figure it out before I ever will). So the joys of being cogitively, socially, and emotionally "normal" in a body that is tripelegic. But he does work hard. the 1:1 aide will also assist him so that he can participate as much as possible in regular PE,l which I think he will love and will help motivate him in his efforts towards independent mobility. He is sucha gem. Overall the meeting went very well.
After the meeting I ran home, let the dog out, did a 2 second check of my email and gathered up J's swim things and headed out the door with just enough time to get back to his school and pick him up for his weekly aquatic PT session. I did swing into Nice & Easy and grab 2 slices of pizza and bottle of water onthe way down for my lunch on the go. I should have planned better and made a PB & J sandwich, but alas I did not.
So now we are home and I am making a meat loaf for dinner.
Just a quick update to finalize food journaling for this day. I had meatloaf, rice, and corn for dinner, with a little ketchup on the meatloaf. I also had 4 oz jiuce and a bunch of water. I DID eat a few jelly beans in the later evening.
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