Okay, so... (my son was saying this a lot recently and I kept wondering where he picked it up from, and then one day I realized after writing it that I say that all the time without thinking about it, so THAT is where he gets it from).
Okay, SO...I finally remembered to step on the scale this morning before my shower and all the getting ready activities of the morning. As suspected I did not lose much since my last weigh in. But I did lose. The scale read 288lbs, down 3 pounds from my last weigh in and 17 pounds from my day 1 weigh in. SO, even with the emotional eating of the weekend, my body continues to amaze me in losing a bit more poundage.
After dropping the kids off, I headed over to the pond. I am so grateful that the snow has finally melted away from over 90% of the path around the pond. It was a clear blue sky, the pond is actually showing large open water areas, and the crocuses are coming up. I even saw some daffodil leave (no flower yet) in the garden by the pond. I did 5 laps around the pond, which amounts to about 1 1/3 mile (3.5 laps =1 mile). Then I enjoyed my breakfast. Today I did have my yogurt (Dannon Light & Fit blueberry) with dry oatmeal, a medium coffee, and 3 cups of water.
I had a great long (2+ hours) phone conversation with my best friend after that, and ended up standing outside the library in the little park for all that time enjoying the warm 40+ degree air, the sunshine, and the bright blue sky. It is great to have a best friend that knows me so well (after almost 19 years of friendship--we met as freshmen in college--she knows me better than anyone except myself--and even then I wonder...). We talked about a lot of things, big and small on both ends. It was just a wonderful connection with her, and though we only see each other a couple of times a year (as we live over 300 miles apart), it is amazing to me how much she is always there for me. God has blessed this friendship, which has endured over a lot of rough and rocky spots over the years.
I have not gotten a lot of work done today (I did get a little bit, but am running short on time), so tomorrow I have to buckle down and have an uber productive day. Blessings to you all and I will write again before bed.
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