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Friday, April 8, 2011

post before sleep

final food journal for today. 

lunch was a small cup of mac & cheese
I ate a handful of jelly beans with the kids after we got home.

For Dinner, A had called wile I was picking up the kids and asked what to put in for dinner.  As I have not visited with my father in a couple of weeks I said to put in the ham and roast some potatoes with it.

So I took a ham dinner over to my dad's house and A, the kids and I ate dinner with Dad and had a great talk.  I really want my little farm, so I talked with my Dad tonight about checking into what it would take to build a simple house on the other end of his property (he has 36  acres), and he said he would be okay with it but that the permits alone would probably cost too much.

I did some exploring and if the old well up on the end of the property can be used (it was filled in with rocks over 50 years ago, so it is a long shot) and if I can figure out the septic, then it might be possible.  though looking at pouring a slab foundation and doing a radiant heat system, that alone might break the bank.  Roofing is extremely expensive too.  So it may just be too much, but boy would I love to build it.  Right now it is in dream mode, but I will find some time over the next month to check into things and see if it is potentially feasible.  I'd be nice to have Dad as a neighbor too,as he is getting older and I worry about him...

Oh, before bed I had toast with peanut butter.  It is now ridiculously late and I need to sleep.

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