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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Day 3 New Start 2013

Well, honestly I am feeling very blue today, though I am not sure why.  I did not sleep well last night--actually have not been sleeping well for the past week or so, so I am sure that has a lot to do with how I am feeling.

Josiah had a great day at school yesterday, as did Gonzo. Gonz usually has great days lately, but for Josiah this was his first really good day since returning from the holiday break.  So that was wonderful.  Yesterday Josiah was upset in the morning because I did not make him waffles, mainly because he got up nearly half an hour after I started the whole wake up routine, and then asked for waffles and there was not enough time to make them, as I had to dress him quickly, and get him in the car and on the road for school, so he had to make due with cereal in the car (he does get breakfast AT school as well, but it takes over an hour to get to school, so I always make sure he either eats something before we leave or we take dry cereal to snack on in the car).  Anyway, so this morning, he popped out of bed on the first wake up call, and immediately asked if I would make waffles,which I did.  I am grateful that my father got me a new waffle iron for Christmas as it cooks faster and more evenly than my old one (which was from the 60's or 70's--so REALLY old for a kitchen appliance).  So, I made waffles for my little guys this morning before school, which seemed to make them happy.  I used to make them often, and now with the new iron,  I think we will resume the fresh waffles from breakfast habit.

I have found that when I feel blue, I do not make good food choices.  Even though I packed a good nutritious lunch for today. I did not eat the waffles this morning because I am trying to watch my carb intake, but I also forgot to pack a protein based breakfast.  That combined with my blues, I ended up hitting McDonald's and getting a breakfast value meal there (Sausage McMuffin with egg meal with a large coffee, cream only)--so out $5, up 620 calories, 45 gr carbs, 38 gr fat, and only 20 gr protein, not to mention far too many chemicals and preservatives!  But, what is done is done and tomorrow is a new day.

At least for lunch I brought turkey breast, cheddar cheese, cucumber, raw broccoli, and an apple.  So a much more diabetic friendly and health conscious meal than the wretched breakfast that I had.  Well, off to write some more in my book...

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Day 2 of a New Start 2013

So, yesterday I was insanely scatter brained.  It was one of those highly distractable, high anxiety days for no good reason.  Weird the way our bodies and emotions react sometimes.

So I realized on the way home yesterday afternoon, that while I had gone to the gas station and paid for $20 worth of gas, I forgot to actually pump it!!  Yes, I was one of those overly distracted, stupid people who prepayed for my gas in cash, and then went out and got in my car and drove away without actually putting the gas IN my tank.    Which I did not even notice until about 3 hours later when I was driving home after getting the kids from school and the gas light came on.  So came the scrounging for change which got me $4.23 in gas until I got to the bank to get more and actually put $20 in my tank. Ah, the days of scattered mind processes.  On a good note though, i went back to the gas station this morning, to see if there was any chance of getting my money back and the manager reviewed the tapes from yesterday which clearly showed me NOT pumping my gas.  And even though someone pulled in right behind me and filled their tank with my $20, the manager was kind enough to let me fill up on the $20 in gas that I paid for yesterday, even though the person who pulled in after me used it.  So that was a huge blessing, as I drive so much (over 120 miles a day) that money for gas is quite tight.

So, my day this far has been good.  Much less scattered and anxious than yesterday was.

Yesterday was not totally crazy, I did get my grocery shopping done, and when I got home I did a thorough cleaning of the fridge, as there was a mysterious odor coming from one of the leftovers-turned-science-experiment somewhere in the back.  So now I have a nice, clean fridge, stocked with good food.  I also was able to bring my Dad some groceries.  I was not sure what he needed but I brought him a couple of his staples--corn flakes, 100% whole wheat bread, and peanut butter.  He said he needs to do a big grocery shop, so I need to find a day to bring him down so he can restock his cupboards.  But at least he has his typical breakfast and lunch for the next few days.  Next Monday would probably be a good day for that.

As for exercise, I have not done any today yet...I am torn between using the membership-reduction scholarship that I got from the YMCA (thus having access to a wide variety of exercise options, though still at a cost in a very tight budget) or getting my elliptical machine oiled up and working out at home for free.  It is a good machine (cost nearly $600 when we bought it nearly 7 years ago).  And it is in good shape for the most part, still safe and functional.   I am torn for a variety of reasons--one of the primary ones is the money, as even with a scholarship from the YMCA, it is still another monthly line item in the budget which is barely staying afloat as it is, secondly, if things go belly up with my car and I have paid for a membership, I will be unable to use it, and thirdly, I am more comfortable exercising at home than I am with other people, many of whom are far more fit than me (self-image issues), though the Y would be a great place to meet new people and make new friends, which is something that I have been wanting to do for a while now. decisions, decisions...

Anyway, I need to get to work, have many pages to write before my time to pick up the boys arrives...

Oh, food tracking as of 11:40am--1 apple, 1 Cumberland farms Sausage, Egg, and Cheese sandwich (neither good for the wallet nor the health goals!), 2 cups of coffee with half and half, & 1 small cocoa, and of course 3 cups of water.

There reminder of the day food tracking: 3 cucumbers, 1/2 cup hummus, 3/4 cup of veggie bow ties with collard greens and kidney beans, 4 oz roasted turkey breast (not cold cuts, roasted a whole, fresh turkey breast), 1 cup roasted red potatoes, 1 steamed broccoli crown, 3 steamed cauliflower florets, 1 cup cottage cheese, 1 bowl Captain Crunch with milk. another 7-8 cups of water.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 1 New Start for 2013 *Updated*

So, it is a Monday, the first full week of our "regular" routine after the holiday craziness and the New Year, so it looked like a good time to start again, refocus, recommit, and move forward in a more planned way toward the life I am creating for myself.

So, back to focusing on attaining a healthy weight, increasing my overall fitness, and reducing the physical issues that limit me in doing that which I want to do.

So for January,my goals are:
1) to lose 10% of my body weight by Jan 31st
2) exercise regularly for 45-90 minutes each day
3) reduce intake of processed food and refined sugars more
4) Eat 7-9 servings of fruits and veggies a day
5) Drink 8-10 8oz cups of water daily
6) Write 30-40 pages in my book
7) research social activities and begin making child care plans so I can attend some
8) Create a reasonable budget based on needs and average expenditures, and evaluate my relationship with money and debt to see what attitudes need to shift
9) Seek out more consistent income generating activities
10) Spend 20-45 minutes a day in Seeking God through prayer and Meditation
11) Play a game (board, card or other non-video) with my kids 4-5 days a week
12) Organize SOME Area of the house each day even if it is only a 2ft x 2ft square (once I have a place for everything established it will be easier to keep things in their place--thus reducing the chaos of clutter at home)

I am also going to start keeping a food journal again, and will probably use SparkPeople (username: truthfrees) again for the mathematics of the food, but I will post a list here as well.

So for today thus far (11:15 am) I have had 2 apples, 1/2 a cup of pistachios, 1 cup of coffee with 1 TBS half & half, and an now working on one 16 oz 1/2 cocoa 1/2 coffee with 1 TBS light cream (I know, too indulgent). I also have had 3 cups of water.

I did go grocery shopping for about an hour, though that barely counts as exercise.  Tomorrow I plan to go to the YMCA, I was granted a partial scholarship to reduce the membership cost, so I think I am going to take advantage of that, as this time of year, it is easier to exercise indoors.

Today is a crazy busy day--between doing paperwork with A this morning, hitting the grocery store, being here at the library, next heading to a "keep my head on straight" appointment, then picking up the kids from school, dropping off the paperwork I did this morning, checking my mail and hopefully going to the bank with a check, then over to dad's to drop off some groceries for him, and hopefully getting some cleaning and reorganizing done at home in the evening.  Have a great day all!

*Update*  The remainder of the food journal --2 small cucumbers, 16 coffee with cream, 3/4 cup cottage cheese, 1&1/4 cup shrimp, green bean, macaroni & cheese casserole,  3 TBS Hummus with 5 saltine crackers, 8 cups water, 1/4 cup pistachios, and then 2 bowls of Captian crunch berry cereal with milk (moment of weakness in late night snacking)

Friday, January 4, 2013

2012 to 2013 shift

I have written a blog post/reflection about the 2012 to 2013 change over due to the New Years Holiday.  You can access it here:

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013 Happy New Year

I saw a MOOSE!!  This morning on the drive to school.  I have always wanted to see a moose, even living in the mountains for the first 17 1/2 years of my life, and for the past 3 1/2 years have been back here, and had never seen a real, live moose in that whole time.  So I am very excited that I have seen a moose this morning.  I think it is a sign that bodes well for this new year.  Now, on to the actual post...

Well, the holiday bustle (insane craziness?!?) is over, the multiple celebrations of Christmas were wonderful and amazing.

The first celebration was with A's family the weekend of the 15th, which i mentioned previously. Then was Christmas day itself with myself, A and A's friend L, and the boys for the morning.  My Mom and step-dad came over for breakfast and present opening.  Which we did in that order, the opposite of what we normally do. As usual we all opened stockings when we first got up.  L was surprised by a stocking for her as she was just a visitor, but I told her that Santa knows where everyone is, and no one in my house goes without a stocking on Christmas morning.  After that we hung out and ate candy and waited for Grandma and Grampa Jim to arrive.  Josiah was getting antsy and really wanted to open presents.  While I was making coffee I heard a ripping sound followed by "wow, cool" as Josiah went under the tree, found a present with his name on it and opened it.  Luckily he was calm about waiting until it was time after that.

So we had a great Christmas morning, had fun opening presents, had a wonderful Christmas breakfast, and my Mom cooked which was an unexpected surprise.  Then we just hung out and played at home for the afternoon.  I got a turkey in the oven and got the house set up for  having everyone come for Christmas dinner. So in the evening My mom and step-dad, my dad, my brother, our family friend JoAnn, My sister S and her husband and 4 kids, and my sister A with her 2 kids, boyfriend and boyfriends mother all joined me, A, L and the boys.  We had a great time with lots of food, laughter, a nerf dart crazy playing time, and just an all around good time.  It was the best Christmas that I have had in years.

Then Friday my sister C and her husband and 2 kids came up from South Carolina, and we had a great day.  We went sledding at my father's house (who has a huge hill in front of his house that is GREAT for sledding on), and had hot chocolate (and coffee) , cookies and popcorn. Then we went to my Mom's house for a great ham and chicken dinner, and a lot of gift opening as that is when we do out big family gift giving time.  Aside from one little conversation that dug at me a bit, the overall day. family visit and celebration time was amazing.

My best friend who was supposed to come out for a few days between Christmas and New Years was unable to come due to car trouble.  So I got a few days of just the kids and myself at home, relaxing, doing laundry, playing with our new toys and such.  New Year's eve was quiet and peaceful. New Year's Day was spend getting ready for the start of school, and then a quiet dinner with my mother as my step-dad had to go out of town for work.  So a great soup and roll-up dinner, good conversation, and then home to put the kids to bed.

Then the longest night of insomnia, not the "oh I am so overtired but I can not sleep" kind of insomnia, no, the "I am so awake and alert and have all sorts of ideas that I can't get myself to sleep" kind.  So I am fairly tired today, as I barely even napped on and off last night. So today the kids are back at school, I am back to my running around, and I have many new ideas for how to keep the transformations of my life going in the direction I want them to.   I will share those in another post...

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Holidays are supposed to be enjoyed....

...not create a mountain of stress and crazy running around.  Well, I suppose it is the embodiment of both this time of year.  I have been running around like a crazy person (getting NOTHING done on my book, which I had hoped to have at least the rough draft done by the end of the year...), and I am still not done with my shopping.  I still have my parents gifts to buy and a gift for A (my ex), and A's friend L who will be joining us for Christmas, as she would be alone on Christmas otherwise...and no one should be alone on big holidays like Christmas.  I am hoping my check comes tomorrow so I can get it in the bank tomorrow and have my money by Thursday as I want to finish my shopping (and food shopping for Christmas dinner too) by Thursday so that I can enjoy the last few days before Christmas -baking cookies, enjoying time with my kids & family, and all that jazz--I have had too many years where I am still trying to get the last few things the day before Christmas--not fun.  A gave me my gift early, a haircut from a great hair stylist, which I got this morning.  Mainly I got it early because last Friday I was going to go get my haircut and A stopped me, as it had already been arranged, and I said that I really needed it before Christmas because I was starting to look like a brown, stringy mop had affixed itself to my head.  Honestly, this is one of the best hair cuts I have ever had, so I am very grateful for A's gift, as the local discount cuts place could never give me a haircut this good!!  I have perfectly straight, very fine hair that does not hold a style at all (so a short bob style is usually the way I go--since I was like 4 years old), and this hair cut IS a style, and not a bob!!  I am beginning to think you get what you pay for, even when it comes to hair cuts with impossible hair.

I also received a beautiful pair of LL Bean winter boots in the mail from my best friend, and the timing could not have been more perfect as it has been a snowy, slushy weather mess the past two days, and my old sneakers would not have been able to handle it, so I would have been walking around with wet and cold feet otherwise.  Can I just say I have the most amazing best friend in the whole world?  She and I have known each other for 20 years (we were freshmen in college together).  We had a our first apartment together, we were the maids of honor at each others weddings,  she stood by me through the adoption process that created my family, and I stood by her through the fertility attempts which sadly have still left her childless, and we helped each other through our divorces together (mine after 7 years, hers after 15 years).  Though we have lived over 200 miles apart for over 13 years now, we still talk at least once a week, usually more like 4-5 time a week.  We still understand each other, and have been able to support and nurture our friendship even as we each have gone through multiple perspective, religious, and values shifting throughout the last 20 years (and have not always  or even often, been on the same page with a lot of things).  So, during this holiday season, I am reminded again how grateful I am for a having such an amazing, loyal and devoted friend in my life, who truly is a part of my day to day life despite the distance and the time between actually seeing each other.  I am excited to have her come visit for a few days between Christmas and new years.

Tonight I will be picking out a tree (I know I am WAY late this year in getting the tree, I usually put it up between the 10th and 15th, but last week was crazy busy and then we were away this weekended visiting A's family for Christmas (can I just say, building a good platonic friendship with my ex has been a great thing, as the kids do not be pulled around or miss out on celebrating with both sides of their family, and I also love my in-laws, and it is good to still have them in our lives).  I hope to get he tree up and decorated by tomorrow evening.  I will keep it up all 12 days of Christmas (which start Christmas day and end on the Feast of the Epiphany (Jan 6)), so it is not like it will be gone after next week.  I had started to put lights up on the house a couple of weeks ago, but had trouble with getting the lights to light, and I have not gotten back to it.  So I am looking forward to having fun the next couple of nights with preparing the house for Christmas with the kids.

Well, I have much to do, in case I do not get a chance to blog again before Christmas, I wanted to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas.  May this advent season and the coming days of Christmas fill you with joy, love, cheer, and a spirit of giving, and may you ring in the New Year in safety, love, and an abundance of positive energy.  Oh, and if something more dramatic than an overall energetic shift occurs on this years Winter Solstice, the day that the Mayan calendar ends and the sun and earth line up with the dark center of the Milky Way, may you find yourself in the right place at the right time to move forward in peace, justice, and a sense of connection to your fellow human beings and spirit beings.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Old Habits die hard...

Well, at least old-habits-that-you-had-tried-to-walk-away-from,-thought-you-were-done-with-and-then-fell-back-into die hard...

So, as my last post indicated, I had slipped back-wards again into some poor eating choices and less than stellar exercise choices.  That post was like 12 days ago with a major Feasting holiday in there, and though some of my motivation and power of choice has returned, I am still eating weird and not exercising enough.  Thanksgiving--like Christmas and my birthday--are what I call "free days."

Free days are days when you celebrate and enjoy the feasting, forget about external restrictions, and savor & enjoy the food that you choose to put into your body (instead of just wolfing down as much as possible--so conscious feasting).  This is different from "throwing your health to the wind" or "cheating on your diet" or "unconsciously overeating and seeing how much you can cram in before you are in too much pain to actually breathe".  It does mean that you embrace the reasons for the celebration and feasting, that you do not deny yourself of time honored food or foods lovingly prepared by those who care about you, but that you take smaller portions of everything (still filling the plate) and you savor the goodness, the love, the tastiness, and you celebrate it all.  And yes, you may end up full to bursting if you are not careful to take small enough portions, but it is a rare day, a day set aside for something other than watching your is a day to embrace family and friends, and feast in all Thankfulness (I did finally do a Thanksgiving Gratitude list, which can be found clicking this link).  So that day I do not count...

But there have been 11 other days between my last post and now that I DO count as having been days where I have not been as healthy as I would like to be.  It has been up and down, many mixed days, with green smoothies giving a boost of healthful energy on that same day that I enjoy a piece of left-over cake filled with ice cream, or chowing on thanksgiving leftovers in all of their glory for lunch on the same day I make a spinach and shrimp stir-fry for dinner, or spending 6 hours super cleaning a few rooms of the house (like spring cleaning (even mopping UNDER the big braided rug and the couch!) but not able to open the windows to air things out because it is too cold outside), the vegging on the couch and watching 3 back to back Sci-fi movies until 2 am.  So an interesting mix of good, healthy choices and poor, less than Healthy choices.  So, yes, my newer, healthier habits are still hanging on and part of my life, strong even though somewhat in a fledgling stage.  but my old, less healthy habits are still hanging on, hanging around--usually rearing their heads later int eh evening.  The more my brain and body feel tires, run down, or the stresses of the day have built to a certain point--that is when the old habits, the lure of the old "familiar", the lack of self-love, kicks in...

So, it is a process.  It is getting easier, most days, to make healthy choices, to make choices that ACTUALLY make my body, mind, and spirit feel better, feel stronger and healthier.  But there is still that part of me that seeks out those things (which for me are "bad" foods, lack of activity, and shutting off my brain with mundane crap) that are "old familiars", that were companions of times when I felt self-loathing, and needed to drown it out.  I do not need those old habits, they no longer serve me, nor do they serve my goals and desires for my life.  So I continue this slow Transformation process, letting go of old habits as I can, and building new ones.  It is not an overnight journey to a new me, it is not the destination that is important, it is this amazing step, by step transformation, where I am learning who I am, and what I can contribute to life.