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Monday, June 20, 2011

Crazy week....

Sorry I haven't posted over the past few days.  I will get back to my story picking up with how life changed when Josiah came home.  But for today, I just wanted to touch base.

Today was Josiah's moving up ceremony from preschool. He even led the procession with his walker. He is walking so well (albeit very slowly, but I love it, and so does he). His class was so cute.  They did sing us some songs, and then the kids were each presented with a little diploma and a special trait of theirs was mentioned.  Josiah was presented as someone who likes to be in charge and be the director of all activities (which can sometimes lead to trouble as the the teacher likes to be in charge too (his teacher said this with a great big grin--my strong willed, amazing little man)).  He did great.  He has a meet and greet tomorrow with the class that will be his kindergarten class.  Most of them have been together this year in pre-k here at our local school, but he has been in preschool an hour away for a special needs program.  He will be in a main stream classroom next year, and I think, after the initial adjustment to it, he will do extremely well.
Here are a couple of pics of him at his ceremony:

I took the boys canoeing this weekend. We canoed from the brook by my father's house down to the lake. We had a little picnic lunch on an island on the causeway, and then paddled back up the brook. The kids loved it, it was a great day. They are ready to go again anytime, so I think we have added another outdoor activity to our list of fun family things to do. It is great because as a kid, my family was always taking a canoe trip somewhere. It is great to be able to do it with my children. I was not sure how manageable it would be for Josiah, but he did great. His balance and ability to correct his movements has gotten great. We had wonderful time.

Here are a couple of pics from that day too (can you tell I replaced the batteries in my camera?):

I'll try to pick up our family story where I left off later this week.  It is a bit of a crazy week though as it is the last week of regular school for the kids.  Tomorrow after the meet and greet, J will have Kindergarten screening and I will have a meeting with the CSE people to finalize his IEP for the fall.  Then Wednesday when G ends his last day, I will meet with his teacher and do a phone conference with our CSE to finalize his IEP now that he has had his adaptive technology assessment done (G has mild CP also and very delayed motor (both fine and gross motor) skills are extemely delayed).  J has school thru Thursday.  Then we have a school break from Friday until July 5th when the summer program starts for 6 weeks.  I was hoping to get out to the Boston area during that break and visit friends and take the kids on a whale watch, but a check that I have been waiting for has not yet come.  So, that will have to wait for a later time, Maybe in August after summer school ends.

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