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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Day 11 New Start--interconnected issues

Well, I am again finding that the more I focus on trying to drastically transform my body, the more my body image issues and things related to that arise.  Particularly when those include larger-scale changes in eating habits (I have been able to make many small, healthy changes to my eating habits over the past couple of years that have really gotten incorporated into my normal way of living--whole grains instead of process/enriched grains, 5+ servings of Fruits and veggies every day, drinking at least 8-10 cups of water a day, choosing raw/fresh/frozen over processed foods, etc...).

So while my overall eating habits concerning WHAT i put into my body have improved greatly over the past two year, I still struggle with portion control and emotional eating challenges.  I do not often talk about these in detail on this blog, though I have mentioned them on numerous occasions  I have to say that I am realizing how big of an obstacle the emotional ties to food/eating are in my life.

I could sit and try to figure out WHY--
do I associate food with love?,
do I use food to stuff down uncomfortable feelings?
Do I use food to keep from expressing anger?
Do I use it to bury shame?
Do I use food and body size to keep people (particularly potential romantic partners) at arms length?
Is it a form of self-sabbatog?
Is it an expression of self-hatred?
Is it a form of slow suicide?
Is it a buffer zone created to keep from being hurt emotionally?
Do I keep my excess fat as a way to have something to blame if people do not like me?
Is it a little bit of any or all of these things at different times?

But I have worked on looking at all of these different angels, and while they were important to identify (as it is not just one thing that creates my unhealthy relationship with food), knowing the potential "why's" does not solve the problem.  At this point, going round and round about the potential "why's" is really just a distraction, each one of the above is part of psyche of my fatness and body image issues.  The why's are not simple and straightforward, there is a lot of complexity, both to how those why's are formed, and how to understand them, but that can not be my focus right now.  Sure I do need to chip away at a variety of old, stale, untrue beliefs, and work through some experiences that I am hanging on to that cause me to react in self-sabbatoging ways (not just eating habits , but those can be worked on simultaneously while changing behavior.  They have to be actually, as the behavior and the experience thoughts/psychological reaction to those things are all intertwined.

What I need to focus on now though, is not the WHY am I fat, why do I eat the way I do, why do I make the choices I make--I already have a lot of those answers.  The focus now needs to be on HOW.  HOW do I change those behaviors?  How do I better cope with those challenging emotions/memories/thoughts that come up when trying to change my physical body?  HOW do i keep moving forward on the path towards better health?  What do I need to do at each step, to keep moving forward to a better transformation, a healthier me?

That is what I need to work on more, and let the why be processed as it needs to be.  Behavior modification I think, is going to have to become much more central to my process than psychological understanding.  While I have worked on both fronts, and will continue to, I think it will be the behavioral changes that are going to be a greater focus now....

Real quick--food journal for today so far--2 eggs scrambled with onions and green peppers, 3 cups of coffee with half&half, and 5 cups of water....time to pick up the kids....

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Day 10 New Start--

Well, I did not post yesterday, but that is okay.

I did weigh myself again this morning, after that weird weight from the other day and I am at 282, so DOWN 3 pounds from the initial day 1 weigh in.  Probably some weird water weight or something a couple of days ago.

Today's post is just that quick bit.  I hope to log in later when I get home to do my food journal and maybe some reflection, but for now,my time is short...

Monday, January 14, 2013

Day 8 New Start 2013--weird scale

Okay, so as I begin my second week of this new start to transforming my physical health, I stepped on the scale to see how my eating the last week impacted my weight, most of which was less than normal aside from two days that I went a little squirrely and ate like I had been eating, and I was discouraged.  Last week I weighed in at 285.2 lbs, so yes, I had gained some back over the holidays.  But I ate like a fool over the holidays.  Sure I kept up with the higher amounts of fruits and veggies, and lower amounts of commercially processed foods (aside from it any wonder my blood sugar has gone haywire?), but I did eat too much on many days and far too many simple sugars over the holiday season.  So it had not surprised me last week when I was back up to 285.  What did surprise me was that today the scale read 290.0 lbs, which does NOT make sense, as I have been eating less this week, and even doing some exercise.  So, yeah, I am feeling a bit discouraged, but also further motivated to push down two numbers--my blood sugar number and the number on the scale.

So this week, I am committing to redoubling my efforts.  I will not let emotional eating get the best of me, so instead of eating to feel better when attacked by strong and/or irrational emotions, I will:
--Stop and breathe, concentrating on my breathing until the flood subsides or at least lessens
--Get out and WALK, even if it is just 50 feet, to try to move the emotive chemicals in my body around and expend some energy
--Drink Tea or water

As a preventative measure to preemptively control challenging bouts of emotion which may increase the desire to eat for non-nutrient based reasons, I will:
--Try to get at least 6 hours of sleep a night (wouldn't that be something!?!)
--Exercise, walking or elliptical or step-ups, at least 45 minutes a day
--Pre-plan meals for the week, and stick to the plan
--Avoid stress-causing situations as much as it is possible to do so
--spend 10-30 minutes each day in meditation/prayer/contemplation
--make a reaonable to do list, amd focus on completing it
--Forgive myself for the tasks I did not finish today without negative self-talk

So today's food diary:
(Thus far 12:04 pm)
2 hard boiled eggs with salt
16 oz coffee with 1.5 TBS milk
5 cups water

Plan for the rest of the day:
3 oz tuna
2 small dill pickles
1 TBS thousand island dressing
1.5 cups broccoli crowns raw
3 cups water

1/4 cup almonds

3-5 oz lean steak
1.5 cups spinach, steamed
1 cup Kale, raw
1 TBS vinegar

snack 2:
3 celery stalks, large
1/4 cup salsa
1.5 TBS sour cream

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Day 7 what is working and what is not

Okay, so we are starting day 7 of the New start of this weight loss/life transformation journey, and I have been thinking about what has been working and what has not.

As I have started this new commitment to transforming my life and my health, I have found that quick changes do not work for me.  Honestly, for me, the idea of having a slim body is not enough to motivate me to better health, mostly because I know I am so much more than my body and up until recently, i have always been able to do what I wanted to do with my body the size and shape it is.  However, there are a number of things I am finding I am not able to do, like take long walks without getting winded (and by extension climb mountains) , easily climb up and over obstacles like snow banks (and by extension being able to tide pool), sit on the floor (and get back up) playing games with the kids without pain, sit anywhere for more than 15 minutes without pain, etc....  Over the past couple of years, my body, even though it has been overly large for most of my life, and all of my adult life, is progressively deciding that I can not do all I used to do.  I used to be a big woman that could still go for long walks, climb mountains without a problem, scramble over rocky, steep, and jagged shores to find fascinating tide pools (even if it mean almost being swept into the sea by a rouge wave from time to time), I could get through dense woods with no trails, I could play games with toddlers, getting up and down from the floor frequently and quickly, I could even sit and watch a movie without needing to constantly shift my position (though I rarely sit still anyway).  I was a big woman, but a very active and capable big woman, so size did not deter me from doing any of the activities that I wanted to.

So, these changes in my abilities to do all of the things I want to do have been a large motivator in this push to a new start.  Part of the timing also has to do with life circumstances--life is stable and calm enough right now for me to actually be able to focus on this without a million other stresses swooping in.  The house is done enough to live in, with a million small projects for improvement--which is normal for a house.  My routine is pretty stable and has regular down time in it that can be used for self-improvement and health focused exercises.  My routine is very flexible, allowing for me to meet the kids needs.  I have a mostly stable,though  low, income, and depend on a certain amount every month from various sources, which means I can do a living budget (while it is not enough to actually start paying off old debts, it is finally enough to make ends meet on a monthly basis--someday I will generate enough income to pay off back debts, but for right now, being able to finally make ends meet for basic living needs is a huge blessing).  I also currently have some external social/emotional supports which helps me to keep on an even keel.  While my social life is seriously truncated due to a couple of factors (mainly the fact that I have 2 kids with special needs that required a LOT more in a babysitter than most can offer at the price that I can pay).  So, in general, life is settling in to a more stable, predictable level, where I can move from surviving and into thriving.

So this better place in daily life, coupled with the loss of ability to do some of the things I always took for granted, have created a good space from which to focus on changing my body composition.  So, this first week has had its ups and downs.  There has been some trial and error about what is going to work for me eating wise, and what does not work at all.  I have had a number of slips into old habits this week, improving bit by bit.  It is a change not really of how I act, but more of how I think and perceive, which in turn changes how I relate to food and why I eat what I eat.  This week I have been able to do some perception shifting, and some good insight into why I eat what I eat, and how to change the why.  Changing the why in turn changes the behavior.  Action stems from thought, and just changing the action, like dieting as a short term solution, is not going to change the problem long term.  It is why many diets fail, even in people who are devoted and dedicated to the the diet, who lose 40, 60, 100 pounds while strictly adhering to the diet, and then once they reach their goal, gain back what they lost plus some.  It is because they (and I) have not changed an inner perspective, and inner relationship with food and eating.  So i am finding this week, that I am changing my relationship with food, which in turn is making it easier to change my eating habits.  It is not an overnight shift, it is a progressive shift, and I am on the path to making a permanent change in the way I relate to food.

Another factor that has really come to the for front over the past 2-3 days is my blood sugar.  It was up and down and kind of unpredictable for a while, ever since I found out I was diabetic a couple of years ago.  And it used to be easy to shift back down to lower levels with tweaks in my eating, so I did not worry about it too much, because even if it was stupidly high one day after a couple of days of bad eating, I could bring it back down into the "normal diabetic target range" with a couple of days of eating better.  However this week, I have found that even with much lower carb days, my blood sugar is staying consistently too high.  That, THAT, is scary to me.  I have been focusing on it a lot since September when I found out my wildly swinging blood sugar was negatively impacting my eyes, but through the holidays, I have not been careful AND not been monitoring it (that idea that if I ignore it I can pretend it isn't real idea that never actually works).  And now that I am back to monitoring it daily, I am finding it to be a bigger deal that it has been in the past.  So, I now have a number that is a thousand time more important than the number on the scale.  It is the number that tells me whether my life will be healthy and long, or painful and fraught with medical issues.  So THAT is a number I can get behind, that is a number goal that really means something to me.  So this week, the blood sugar scare works far better to motivate me to better health than any number on a scale ever could.  So that is one of my primary focuses now.

So, today's food diary is:
as of 10:15am:
3/4 cottage cheese
1/2 grapefruit
16 oz black tea
3 cups water

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Day 6 of a New Start 2013

Okay, so last night after dropping the kids off for their weekly overnight with A, the warm (>32 degrees F) rain was melting the snow and ice on the roof, and my bedroom ceiling was leaking horribly!!  I know the roof needs work, and I had hoped to get things done before winter, but had not had too many issues over the summer so figured it could wait until next year.  But the ice creates a dam and the melting snow  and rain backed up on the roof, and now I have a wet ceiling and wall and carpet (as it had been leaking for a couple of hours before I got home and put a bucket under the leak),and bubbling paint where the water was UNDER the paint both on the ceiling and the wall.  So I spent sometime crouching and crawling around in the attic last night trying to do some make-shift water re-routing to reduce the damage.

It was a good thing I did too, because there were sections where the insulation had not been laid back down after work was done in a number of places in the attic.    So I had been losing heat in a number of places through the ceiling,as there were a lot of exposed little pockets.  So it is now all laid back down, so hopefully I will not lose so much heat.My makeshift water routing did not work well,as the ceiling continued to drip for a number of hours after wards.  But at least my bedroom, which had been FREEZING to the point that  I have been sleeping in Josiah's room for the past 10 days or so (Josiah had been having trouble sleeping, so I had set the trundle bed up in Gonzo's room a few weeks ago, as he slept better when he was not alone, so he has not been sleeping in his  bed anyway).

Today was a calmer day, hung out with the rabbits, cleaned their cage,did some laundry, did some dishes, and vacuumed the house, then went to A's house to pick the kids up (an hour away), drive home, made dinner, and now am about to put the rugrats to bed.  I did not get as much done today as I had planned, but that is okay, tomorrow is a new day.

I did, however do very well with my eating today, as my blood sugar has been scarily high lately, so I am extra motivated to get it down.  So, my food tracking for today is:

2 eggs fried in coconut oil
1 apple
3 cups of coffee w/milk
2 cups water

Tuna fish 1/2 cup
1 TBS thousand island dressing
2 small dill pickles
(the above all mixed together)
1.5 cups of raw broccoli
3 cups water

1 Breakstone Live and Active 4oz cottage cheese
1 cup coffee w/cream and 1 sugar packet

2 cups Shrimp Stir Fry (no carb underneath for me--kids had whole wheat egg noodles under theirs)
3/4 cup cottage cheese (regular)

Shrimp Stirfry Recipe
over medium heat:
2 TBS coconut oil melted in wok
stir in 3/4 cup chopped onion, caramelize
add in two cloves fresh garlic, finely chopped
Add in 6 sliced fresh mushrooms, stir occasionally until slightly softened
Add in one broccoli crown,copped (about 3 cups)
Add 1 cup water, stir well
Add 2 cups chopped fresh spinach
stir well, add spices (I used tarragon, basil, and oregano tonight--curry is really good in this dish)
Add 8 oz frozen tiny or small shrimp (heads and tails removed, de-veined--I used precooked ones as they were on sale)
stir well
cover and let simmer for 5-10minutes
uncover for last 3 minutes and let cook down to desired liquid amount
serve hot, either as is, or over brown rice or whole wheat egg noodles.

ate a larger snack than I expected
--1 can condensed chicken noodle soup (I know processed crap)
--1/2 cup cottage cheese
--3 cups of herbal tea

all totaled though, I had only 1421 calories and 111 grams of carbs today, so mostly within my limits.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Day 5 New Start 2013

Okay, so I need to title these a little better, but for right now just ticking off the days as I enter this new phase of commitment to transforming my physical health is probably okay.

Have had an uneventful day.  had coffee and eggs with A when I dropped off the boys stuff for their overnight tonight.  I will drop them off there after school, but find it is easier to drop their stuff off separately.

As I have done nothing with my elliptical trainer this week, as I have a million things to do in the afternoon/evening after I get home, I have decided that I will add the new expense to the budget and sign up for the YMCA, which will become part of my my morning routine after dropping the kids off at school and before heading to the library to write.  My body needs to move, and when I was walking 2-4 miles a day I felt much better, my blood sugar was better controlled, and I was more motivated to continue to create good eating habits.  Since I have not been walking, I find everything is harder.  So to make my life easier, I NEED to adding daily exercise, so that my energy can flow through my body and through my life.  So, beginning Monday, the Y will be my first stop of the day.

Food tracking for today is so far (11:45 am): 2 eggs cooked with 0.5 TBS butter, 1/3 cup raw, natural almonds, 2 cups of coffee with half&half, and 4 cups of water.  i forgot to bring my lunch today, so I am going to swing by the grocery store.  My plan is to grab kale, cottage cheese (or maybe the tuna in a pouch), dill pickles, and apples--a much better plan both for my wallet and for my body than stopping and buying something already prepared--like fast food.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Day 4 New Start in 2013

So I slept fairly well last night.  This has helped in the feeling better category today.

Today I have not been very productive, but I have been spending time with a friend and a little bit with her other friends.  So, we have mainly been chatting and running her errands today (she has no car, so I help out from time to time) .  It was good to spend time with other people, and to laugh and feel good for a bit.    I am keeping this short today, as it is now late in the evening (though I started this post this morning, but am just now getting back to it) and I am going to drink a cup of tea, read a book and go to bed.

food tracking for day 4:
1 cup cottage cheese
2 eggs w/butter
3 cups water
1 cup cottage cheese
coffee w/half & half
2 1/2 cups of water
5 prunes
16 oz coffee with cream
chicken w/spices
1 1/2 cups steamed broccoli
1 cup macaroni and cheese
2 cups water
small handful of peanut M&M's
1 cup Rice Chex
1/2 cup milk
2 cups Chamomile Tea